Friday, March 11, 2016

Belle Letres

To my great love,

I love you - exact words that comes in my mind everytime I think of you. I don't know when or how I ended up loving you like this. I  didn't even know that I have this capability of handling the fierce kind of love that I have for you. Every night, I am asking God why He gave you to me. I am asking Him what's His reason for all of this. Our lovestory is one of a kind (I should say, at least). Our story is not similar with the movies and tv shows that we usually watch. I must admit that we started in wrong way... but in that way, I learned that love is unpredictable. It really comes in unexpected time. Also, it will show to you the things that you thought before impossible, but possible now. It actually taught me to trust again, to be brave enough to fight for what you think is right. I love you so much to the point I realized, I deserved to be loved. 

Thank you for pulling me up everytime I am down. Thank you for making me feel that I can be loved right. Thank you for making me feel like I am the most beautiful girl in the world. Thank you for the patience, the kindness, the understanding and the respect you have given to me. Thank you for choosing me everyday, every hour, every second of your life. We may not see that often, but you make sure that I could still feel that you're just beside me, that there's no distance between us. Again, I love you so much to the point that I realized once again, distance should never be a hindrance between two people who love each other truly.

Our relationship is not perfect. We have our own ups and downs, just like other commitments. We fight (which I think is normal, of course) but we make sure that at the end, love will dominate our hearts and not pride nor personal desires. I could still remember the day where we both actually thought that our relationship was over, but you chased me (which really surprised me at all, hehe). We talked and had a compromise to set our personal differences. Again, I love you so much to the point that I realized once again, if you really love someone, you'll be willing to give your understanding no matter how hard it is. 

We started our lovestory where I'm just 16 and you're 15. We're too young (they say) but I think we have brave hearts to fight for it. We became each other's sister and brother, a friend, a mentor, a partner (of course) and even a shield whenever each one of us are in pain. And now years passed, we both changed and grew up but I am so happy to say that despite of all the changes happened, our relationship remained strong. It is still full of love and spark. This wouldn't have happened without the guidance of God. Again, I love you so much to the point that I realized once again, I shouldn't fear change but rather accept it and choose to compromise so that we can understand each other more. 

I love you so much mahal. I cannot promise you anything but I assure you that I'll do anything and everything for us, for our relationship and for the ones that we both love. It's been almost four years since I met you, but it so feels like it all happened yesterday. I am not expecting anything but I am hoping that you'll be my lifetime partner. You're God's greatest blessing to me now, please don't ever forget that. You're imperfect but thank you so much for trying to be the best boyfriend. I love you so much to the point that through all the learnings and realizations that I got, it all made me a better person now. Without you, I cannot imagine my life right now and I know you as well! Always remember that, I am here for you and I am so proud with all the things that you fulfilled with your whole heart. 

I love you so much to the point that these words are not enough to define how I really feel towards to you.

The girl who loves you always

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